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See what's coming.

The future is changing. Postmodernism has changed our perception of truth. Post-Christianity has leveled Christian culture and influence by finding it wanting. The challenge of doing ministry in places marked by this worldview is that those who hold on to the views that there is a God who loves us and who gave His life for us so that we might know Him and be saved from our sins, are viewed as antiquated, uncultured, or even dangerous to civil society. We lose credibility, but have instead the opportunity to be the reminders of ancient truths that society has forgotten.

How we adapt and engage with those living in these contexts will shape our own at home. Scroll down to view the opportunities ahead to engage with and learn from our cultural future.

FUTURE: Travel Services

05.31 - 06.07.2019

Stockholm, Sweden

Stockholm - the economic and cultural center of Sweden. With a population of 2.2 million in the metropolitan area, it has grown rapidly in recent years through increased immigration, and has become a cultural melting-pot. While the signs of Christianity exist throughout the city in the form of beautiful historic church buildings, Stockholm (and Sweden at large) is among the most postmodern and post-Christian countries in the world. Fewer than 1% in a country of nearly 10 million people would describe themselves as evangelical, and in Stockholm, the numbers are even less.

Meet Phil and Emma Whitall, and the fine folks of Grace Church.


Grace Church seeks to be a point of light and hope in their city, and envisions a network of organic missional communities burgeoning out from the city center into the surrounding suburbs. Join us as we travel to visit and learn from them from May 31st-June 7th, 2019, to capture their stories, and to unpack the heart of a city that bleeds a unique, practical imagination.


Team Cost: $2,000 per person

Team Leader: David Webster

Team Size: 5 people

Trip Platform: Discovery

Application Deadline: March 29th, 2019


Status: CLOSED


07.05 - 07.15.2019

Tórshavn, Faroe Islands

Tórshavn - the economic and cultural capital of the Faroe Islands. With over a millennia of Christianity to draw from, one might be inclined to believe that the Faroe Islands are completely churched and evangelized. Yet even with this rich cultural history, the Faroes are in a spiritual crisis of meaning. Scores of its youth have relocated to Denmark for work and higher education, and those who move back home no longer connect with their religious roots. Those who remain find little significance in a religious tradition that emphasizes legalism over new life.


Meet Manuel and Sanna Delgado.


Manuel and Sanna seek to bring revival into Tórshavn and the surrounding island villages, and dream of a collaboration of churches that move beyond denominational differences to reach and save the lost. Join us as we travel to partner alongside them and Blue Cross from July 5th-July 15th, 2019, to love on the Faroese during their most patriotic time of year via social outreach and service ministry, and to engage with a culture who's heart beats Expressive Tradition.


Team Cost: $2,500 per person

Team Leader: Michael Venable

Team Size: 5 people

Trip Platform: Service

Application Deadline: May 3rd, 2019




10.08 - 10.15.2019

Damariscotta-Newcastle, Maine

Recently named as the most postmodern State in America, Maine has a rich Christian tradition stretching back to before the founding of our nation, yet is currently experiencing a sharp divorce from its religious roots. Most in the State would identify as atheist or irreligious, and most who identify as "Christian" do so out of cultural obligation, rather than genuine life in Christ.


Meet Phil Nicewonger, and the fine folks at Twin Villages Church.


Located at the confluence of Damariscotta and Newcastle, Twin Villages is seeking to transform these two communities for Christ by shining a light on the transformation the Gospel brings. Join us as we travel to visit and learn from them from October 8th-October 15th, 2019, to capture their stories, and to unpack the unique heart of their two communities.


Team Cost: $2,000 per person

Team Leader: David Webster

Team Size: 5 people

Trip Platform: Discovery

Application Deadline: August 6th, 2019


Status: OPEN


11.08 - 11.15.2019

Milan, Italy

Once the seat of Christendom in the West, Italy now faces a spiritual crisis of meaning. While the presence of Christianity remains visible and alive in the cultural fabric of the Italian people, postmodernism has rendered authentic and transformative life in Christ to something at once both rare and elusive.


Meet Paul and Tracy Barth, and the fine folks of Comunità Connection.


Paul and Tracy both seek to inspire a revival of soul in Milan, Italy through a commitment to and a defense of the local church, a priority to seek out and engage lostness for the gospel, and a emphasis on discipleship of new and not-yet believers. Comunità Connection is a community of faith desperately seeking to be salt and light to a city and a culture who find the message of the cross irrelevant and outdated. Join us as we travel to visit and learn from them from November 8th-November 15th, 2019, to capture their stories, and to unpack the unique and beautiful heart of their home.


Team Cost: $2,000 per person

Team Leader: David Webster

Team Size: 5 people

Trip Platform: Discovery

Application Deadline: September 6th, 2019


Status: OPEN



Click the buttons below to download the New Work Fellowship Trip Application and to email Pastor David Webster. Start your journey now!

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